How to Fix a Flat Painting: Simple Ways to Add Dimension

My painting is flat, how do I get some dimension?”

When one of my students asked me this exact question last week, I could see the frustration it was causing them. That feeling when your painting looks more like a paper cut-out than a living, breathing scene - we've all been there!

Maybe you're feeling the same way about your work right now? Let me share the exact techniques that have helped hundreds of our students and will help you transform your paintings from flat to fabulous.

The "Step Away" Tactic That Changes Everything

How to make your painting less flat? Here's something that might surprise you - the solution often starts by putting your brush down! I know it sounds counterintuitive, but trust me on this. When we're painting, we tend to get so focused on details that we miss the bigger picture (quite literally!).

Try this: Step about 10 feet back from your painting and squint slightly. What catches your eye first? What fades away? If the trees in the background are jumping out at you and the focal point of your painting, in the foreground, is hazy and non-descript then there lies your problem. If too many elements are competing for attention, or you’ve inadvertently drawn focus to the wrong area your result will be - a flat painting. In our studio, we call this the "squint test," and it never fails to reveal exactly where your painting needs more depth.

Three Places to Add Instant Depth To Your Painting

We could call this the "triple-threat approach" - three specific areas where small changes make the biggest impact. I've seen this work countless times in our workshops, even for complete beginners, and I apply this in my own work.

The Background Game-Changer: How to Paint Backgrounds with Depth

Picture those misty mornings when distant trees look softer and bluer and it feels calm and serene? That's not just pretty - it's your secret weapon for depth! In our studio, we start by making background elements:

  • Slightly lighter in value (no need to get technical - just think "softened")

  • A touch cooler in colour (add a tiny bit of blue to your mix)

  • Less detailed (resist the urge to paint every leaf!)

The Middle Ground Magic: The Important Zone for Painting Dimension

This is where most paintings get stuck, but it's also where the magic happens! Think of it as the "connecting tissue" of your painting. Try this simple trick we use in class:

  • Keep your edges softer where shapes meet

  • Vary your paint thickness (thinner than the foreground but thicker than the background)

  • Create subtle overlaps between elements

The Foreground Fix: Painting Foreground Techniques

Want to know the number one game-changer for foreground elements? Contrast! But not just in colour - in everything. Make your foreground:

  • Slightly more intense and richer in colour

  • More detailed (this is where you can really have fun with texture)

  • Crisper in edges (especially where objects overlap)

Quick Fixes for Common Flat-Painting Problems

Here are some "aha!" moments from our studio sessions:

"My trees look like they're floating!"

  • Push darker values where they meet the ground and don’t have the trunks suddenly stop. Remember they grow into roots below the surface. Soften that connection.

  • Add cast shadows (they don't need to be perfect!)

"Everything looks like it's on the same plane!"

  • Vary your detail level (more in front, less in back)

  • Change your edge treatment (harder in front, softer in back)

  • Adjust your colour intensity (stronger in front, quieter in back)


I’m an avid believer in giving people the tools and techniques they need to create better paintings. It isn’t a secret magic power that is out of reach for people. Tools become more natural with practice, they feel instinctive and you will get to the stage where your pre-empting these issues before your paint even touches the canvas.

Still feeling stuck? We are adding a new option for Painting Critiques - we'd love to take a look at your painting and offer some specific suggestions. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is all you need! Click here to upload up to two images of one of your paintings and we will make some suggestions to support you. The first submission is FREE!

Pick up your paintbrush and get practicing,


Want to see these techniques demonstrated and practice them for yourself? Join us for our upcoming weekend masterclass ‘Painting Waves’ where I will demonstrate these exact principles while helping you create your own dimensional landscape. We keep our classes small and supportive, so you'll get plenty of personal guidance.

Reserve your spot in our next masterclass - ‘Painting Waves’ 15th & 16th February

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